Community Based RehabilitationThe objective of the Program is to reduce the disability effects impairments ofthe handicapped to enable them to live a normal life with their parents,relatives and other members of the community.But out of More than 700 disabled identified by EMFERD, over 95% live inrural areas where NGOs and Institutions caring for disabled are very few.Majority of disabled comes […]

Breaking Barriers: New Funding Initiative Launched to Support Children with Disabilities in Mvomero, Tanzania

We are calling for your support to help transform the lives of children with disabilities in ruralĀ Mvomero. With your donation, we can provide these children with access to healthcare, education, and assistive devices, and help them to live with independence and dignity. Your support will enable us to organize social events and activities, provideĀ essential medical care, and ensure that each […]

Night To Shine 2023

This year, Night To Shine event was carried on successfully in Mvomero, St Aloys’ Gonzaga Church. We thank all the volunteers and donors, with a special mention to Tim Tebow Foundation, for their innumerable support. The beneficiaries were very glad for this occasion. Their happiness and joy is ours too. Let us continue joining hands in making them happy and […]